Plant of the Week - Mandevilla

Mandevilla (Mandevilla)

Mandevillas conjure up a feeling of exotic splendour and the promise of long sunny days. Whether you want to train them up a trellis, an arbour, a pillar or to hide something unsightly they will do the job nicely. Tropical trumpets grace this lovely climber from the tropics and subtropics of central and south America in the warmer months of the year. They come in a variety of colours including white, pink, yellow, and red. They also do very well in pots.

Fertilise in October and then in April for the best results. Provide plenty of water during the growing season. Place in a sunny position for best results with a rich, well-drained soil. Grown in cooler regions it will need protection from frost and will most likely not flower in winter. A light prune annually is beneficial.
Do not over water in the cold months because they do not like wet feet.

Pick up a Mandevilla from the Colourwave – Sun Parasol range for $11.98 at your local Bunnings store…


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